How to add Facebook share button below each post in blogger

share button facebook

In this post i will teach you How to add Facebook share button below each post.Many users aware of how to share a link on facebook.Sharing your each post on facebook will get traffic to your blog or website.Follow these steps to add facebook share button in your each post.

Before adding it to your blog save your template.

1) Login to your blogger account » Template » Edit HTML » Expand Widget Templates ✔

 2) Now search for 


facebook share button code

3) And just after it add This facebook share button code

<div style='float: left; padding: 5px; '><a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='button'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/></div>

facebook share button code

Button Modifications


 ☞ This is default button code "button"

          ☞ To add this replace "button" with "icon" 

 ☞ To add this button with counter replace "button" with "button_count"

      ☞ To add this replace "button" with "box_count"


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